There is a simple pendulum hanging from the ceiling of a lift. When the lift is stand still, the time period of the pendulum is $T$. If the resultant acceleration becomes $g/4,$ then the new time period of the pendulum is
$0.8 \,T$
$0.25\, T$
$2\, T$
$4\, T$
The time period of a second's pendulum is $2\, sec$. The spherical bob which is empty from inside has a mass of $50\, gm$. This is now replaced by another solid bob of same radius but having different mass of $ 100\, gm$. The new time period will be .... $\sec$
If the length of second pendulum becomes $\frac{1}{3}$ what will be its periodic time ?
A pendulum is suspended in a lift and its period of oscillation when the lift is stationary is $T_0$. What must be the acceleration of the lift for the period of oscillation of the pendulum to be $T_0/2$ ?
Which of the following statements is not true ? In the case of a simple pendulum for small amplitudes the period of oscillation is
Two simple pendulums of equal length cross each other at mean position. What is their phase difference ?