Two ions have equal masses but one is singly ionized and second is doubly ionized. They are projected from the same place in a uniform transverse magnetic field with same velocity then:
$(a)$ Both ions will go along circles of equal radii
$(b)$ The radius of circle described by the single ionized charge is double of radius of circle described by doubly ionized charge
$(c)$ Both circle do not touches to each other
$(d)$ Both circle touches to each other
$a, c$
$b, d$
$b, c$
$a, d$
Fill the blank :
$(i)$ Static charge produces ...... field around it.(Electric, Magnetic)
$(ii)$ Moving charge produces ...... field around it.
An electron is projected with velocity $v_0$ in a uniform electric field $E$ perpendicular to the field. Again it is projetced with velocity $v_0$ perpendicular to a uniform magnetic field $B/$ If $r_1$ is initial radius of curvature just after entering in the electric field and $r_2$ is initial radius of curvature just after entering in magnetic field then the ratio $r_1:r_2$ is equal to
A very long straight wire carries a current $I$. At the instant when a charge $ + Q$ at point $P$ has velocity $\overrightarrow V $, as shown, the force on the charge is
Two very long, straight, parallel wires carry steady currents $I$ and $-I$ respectively. The distance etween the wires is $d$. At a certain instant of time, a point charge $q$ is at a point equidistant from the two wires, in the plane of the wires. Its instantaneous velocity $v$ is perpendicular to the plane of wires. The magnitude of the force due to the magnetic field acting on the charge at this instant is
When a charged particle enters a uniform magnetic field its kinetic energy