Two particles $A$ and $B$ are moving in uniform circular motion in concentric cirdes of radius $r_{A}$ and $r_{B}$ with speed $v_A$ and $v_B$ respectively. The time period of rotation is the same. The ratio of angular speed of $A$ to that of $B$ will be
$\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{A}}: \mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{B}}$
${v}_{{A}}: {v}_{{B}}$
$\mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{B}}: \mathrm{r}_{\mathrm{A}}$
$1: 1$
A particle moves with constant angular velocity in circular path of certain radius and is acted upon by a certain centripetal force $F$. if the centripetal force $F$ is kept constant but the angular velocity is doubled, the new radius of the path (original radius $R$ ) will be
A particle is moving on a circular path with constant speed, then its acceleration will be
A car is going round a circle of radius $R_1$ with constant speed. Another car is going round a circle of radius $R_2$ with constant speed. If both of them take same time to complete the circles, the ratio of their angular speeds and linear speeds will be .........
If the equation for the displacement of a particle moving on a circular path is given by $(\theta) = 2t^3 + 0.5$, where $\theta$ is in radians and $t$ in seconds, then the angular velocity of the particle after $2\, sec$ from its start is ......... $rad/sec$
If the length of the second's hand in a stop clock is $3 \,cm$ the angular velocity and linear velocity of the tip is