What is a keystone species
A rare species that has minimal impact on the biomass and on other species in the community
A dominant species that constitutes a large proportion of the biomass and which affects many other species
A species which makes up only a small proportion of the total biomass of a community, yet has a huge impact on the community's organization and survival
A common species that has plenty of biomass, yet has a fairly low impact on the community's organization
. Explain parasitism in detail
An interesting modification of flower shape for insect pollination occurs in some orchids in which a male insect mistakes the pattern on the orchid flower for the female of his species and tries to copulate with it, thereby pollinating the flower. This phenomenon is called
Pollinator mutualism are special interactions involving ...$A$..., which receive food or a place to lay eggs and ...$B$..., which receive polle from other of their kind.
Choose of correct option for $A$ and $B$
Match the column $I$ and $II$
Column - $I$ | Column - $II$ |
$(a)$ Parasitism | $(i)$ $++$ |
$(b)$ Commensalism | $(ii)$ $+-$ |
$(c)$ Amensalism | $(iii)$ $0+$ |
$(d)$ Mutualism | $(iv)$ $0-$ |