What is correct sequence of bond order
$O_2^ + > O_2^ - > {O_2}$
$O_2^ + > {O_2} > O_2^ - $
${O_2} > O_2^ - > O_2^ + $
$O_2^ - > O_2^ + > {O_2}$
The molecule in which hybrid $MOs$ involve only one $d-$orbital of the central atom is
According to molecular orbital theory, which of the following is true with respect to $Li_2^ + $ and $Li_2^ - $ ?
Number of molecules having bond order $2$ from the following molecule is. . . . . . . $\mathrm{C}_2, \mathrm{O}_2, \mathrm{Be}_2, \mathrm{Li}_2, \mathrm{Ne}_2, \mathrm{~N}_2, \mathrm{He}_2$
The bond order is maximum in
According to $MOT$ which of following is correct