What is the basic principle of vaccination ? How do vaccines prevent microbial infections ? Name the organism from which hepatitis $B$ Vaccine is produced.
- The principle of vaccination is based on the property of 'memory' of the immune system.
In vaccination, a preparation of antigenic proteins of pathogens or inactivated/live but weakened pathogens is introduced into the body.
The antigens generate the primary immune response by producing antibodies. The vaccines also generate the memory $B$-cells and $T$-cells.
When the vaccinated person is attacked by the same pathogens, the existing memory $B$-cells or $\mathrm{T}$. cells recognise the antigen quickly and overwhelm the invaders with massive production of lymphocytes and antibodies.
Hepatitis $B$ vaccine is produced from yeast
Write a note on lymphoid organs.
$T$- Lymphocytes originate from
Spleen is
Lymph glands and nodes help to
What are interferons ? How do interferons check infection of new cells ?