What is the velocity of the bob of a simple pendulum at its mean position, if it is able to rise to vertical height of $10cm$ ......... $m/s$ (Take $g = 9.8\,m/{s^2})$
A pendulum clock that keeps correct time on the earth is taken to the moon it will run (it is given that $g_{Moon} = g_{Earth}/6$ )
The angular amplitude of a simple pendulum is $\theta_0$. The maximum tension in its string will be
A hollow sphere is filled with water through a small hole in it. It is then hung by a long thread and made to oscillate. As the water slowly flows out of the hole at the bottom, the period of oscillation will
If two persons sitting on a swing instead of one, why the periodic time does not changed ?
A pendulum is suspended in a lift and its period of oscillation when the lift is stationary is $T_0$. What must be the acceleration of the lift for the period of oscillation of the pendulum to be $T_0/2$ ?