When the atomic number $A$ of the nucleus increases
initially the neutron-proton ratio is constant $= 1$
initially neutron-proton ratio increases and later decreases
initially binding energy per nucleon increases and later decreases
$(A)$ and $(C)$ both
Ratio of nuclear radii of ${ }^{135} Cs$ to ${ }^{40} Ca$ is
Mark the correct statement
Assume that the nuclear binding energy per nucleon $(B/A)$ versus mass number $(A)$ is as shown in the figure. Use this plot to choose the correct choice $(s)$ given below
$(A)$ Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of $1 < A < 50$ will release energy
$(B)$ Fusion of two nuclei with mass numbers lying in the range of $51 < A < 100$ will release energy
$(C)$ Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of $100 < A < 200$ will release energy when broken into two equal fragments
$(D)$ Fission of a nucleus lying in the mass range of $200 < A < 260$ will release energy when broken into two equal fragments
As compared $^{12}C$ atom, $^{14}C$ atom has
Atomic number of a nucleus is $Z$ and atomic mass is $M.$ The number of neutron is