A heavy nucleus is unstable for any value of $\frac{N}{P}$ because
Electrostatic repulsion dominate over nuclear attraction
Nuclear repulsion dominate over nuclear attraction
Nuclear forces are absent in heavy nucleus
Nuclear force is long range force
Why do stable nuclei never have more protons than neutrons ?
In the following reaction $_{12}M{g^{24}}{ + _2}H{e^4}{ \to _{14}}S{i^X}{ + _0}{n^1},X$ is
A nucleus of mass number $189$ splits into two nuclei having mass number $125$ and $64$ . The ratio of radius of two daughter nuclei respectively is:
Radius of $_2H{e^4}$ nucleus is $3 \,Fermi.$ The radius of $_{82}P{b^{206}}$ nucleus will be..........$fermi$
Mass numbers of two nuclei are in the ratio of $4: 3$. Their nuclear densities will be in the ratio of