Which of the following are sets ? Justify your answer.
A collection of novels written by the writer Munshi Prem Chand.
A collection of novels written by the writer Munshi Prem Chand is a well-defined collection because one can definitely identify a book that belongs to this collection.
Hence, this collection is a set.
Which of the following are sets ? Justify your answer.
The collection of all boys in your class.
In the following state whether $A=B$ or not :
$A=\{a, b, c, d\} ; B=\{d, c, b, a\}$
Let $A=\{a, e, i, o, u\}$ and $B=\{a, i, u\} .$ Show that $A \cup B=A$
Let $A, B,$ and $C$ be the sets such that $A \cup B=A \cup C$ and $A \cap B=A \cap C$. Show that $B = C$
State whether each of the following set is finite or infinite :
The set of letters in the English alphabet