Which of the following dimensions will be the same as that of time?
$\frac CL$
$\frac LR$
$\frac RL$
The speed of light $(c)$, gravitational constant $(G)$ and planck's constant $(h)$ are taken as fundamental units in a system. The dimensions of time in this new system should be
The dimension of stopping potential $\mathrm{V}_{0}$ in photoelectric effect in units of Planck's constant $h$, speed of light $c$ and Gravitational constant $G$ and ampere $A$ is
If $L , C$ and $R$ are the self inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, which of the following does not have the dimension of time?
The force $F$ is given in terms of time $t$ and displacement $x$ by the equation $F = A\,cos\,Bx + C\,sin\,Dt.$ The dimensional formulae of $D/B$ is
If $R , X _{ L }$. and $X _{ C }$ represent resistance, inductive reactance and capacitive reactance. Then which of the following is dimensionless: