Which of the following is correct sequence in food chain
Fallen leaves $→$ bacteria $→$ insect larvae $→$ birds
Phytoplankton $→$ zooplankton $→$ fish
Grasses $→$ fox $→$ rabbit
Grasses $→$ chameleon $→$ insects $→$ birds
$...A...$ is required for higher primary productivity. $...B...$ have the lowest primary productivity as the soil is deficient in moisture.
Choose the correct option for $\mathrm{A}$ and $\mathrm{B}$
Choose correct answer.
$(1)$ Zooplanktons are primary producers in an aquatic ecosystem.
$(2)$ Decomposition is largely an oxygen requiring process.
$(3)$ In a natural ecosystem, fishes, wolf, etc. are carnivore.
$(4)$ The amount of energy decreases in each successive trophic level.
Green plants constitute
Maximum solar energy may be trapped by
One of the following atoms often limit the primary productivity of an ecosystem