Which of the following is not the property of an ideal fluid?
Fluid flow is irrotational
Fluid flow is streamline
Fluid is incompressible
Fluid is viscous
Two small spherical metal balls, having equal masses, are made from materials of densities $\rho_{1}$ and $\rho_{2}\left(\rho_{1}=8 \rho_{2}\right)$ and have radii of $1\; \mathrm{mm}$ and $2\; \mathrm{mm}$, respectively. They are made to fall vertically (from rest) in a viscous medum whose coefficient of viscosity equals $\eta$ and whose denstry is $0.1 \mathrm{\rho}_{2} .$ The ratio of their terminal velocitites would be
A spherical ball of radius $1 \times 10^{-4} \mathrm{~m}$ and density $10^5$ $\mathrm{kg} / \mathrm{m}^3$ falls freely under gravity through a distance $h$ before entering a tank of water, If after entering in water the velocity of the ball does not change, then the value of $h$ is approximately:
(The coefficient of viscosity of water is $9.8 \times 10^{-6}$ $\left.\mathrm{N} \mathrm{s} / \mathrm{m}^2\right)$
Which of the following is the incorrect graph for a sphere falling in a viscous liquid? (Given at $t = 0$, velocity $v = 0$ and displacement $x = 0$.)
Why bubbles rise in soda water bottle ?
Two drops of the same radius are falling through air with a steady velocity of $5 cm per sec.$ If the two drops coalesce, the terminal velocity would be