Which of the following molecular orbitals has maximum number of nodal planes ?
$\sigma 1s$
$\sigma 2{P_x}$
$\pi 2{P_x}$
${\pi ^*}2{P_y}$
Which of the following statement is correct about $I^+_3$ and $I^-_3$ molecular ions ?
In which of the following pairs molecules have bond order three and are isoelectronics
When $O _2$ is adsorbed on a metallic surface, electron transfer occurs from the metal to $O _2$. The $TRUE$ statement$(s)$ regarding this adsorption is(are)
$(A)$ $O _2$ is physisorbed
$(B)$ heat is released
$(C)$ occupancy of $\pi_{2 p }^*$ of $O _2$ is increased
$(D)$ bond length of $O _2$ is increased
Which one of the following pairs of species have the same bond order ?
The number of antibonding electron pairs in $O_2^{2 - }$ molecular ion on the basis of molecular orbital theory is