Which of the following particles are constituents of the nucleus
Protons and electrons
Protons and neutrons
Neutrons and electrons
Neutrons and positrons
A nucleus of mass number $189$ splits into two nuclei having mass number $125$ and $64$ . The ratio of radius of two daughter nuclei respectively is:
Isotopes are atoms having
For effective nuclear forces, the distance should be
Write the definitions of isotopes, isobar and isotone.
$(a)$ Two stable isotopes of lithium $_{3}^{6} L$ and $_{3}^{7} L$ have respective abundances of $7.5 \%$ and $92.5 \% .$ These isotopes have masses $6.01512\; u$ and $7.01600\; u ,$ respectively. Find the atomic mass of lithium.
$(b)$ Boron has two stable isotopes, $_{5}^{10} B$ and $^{11}_{5} B$. Their respective masses are $10.01294 \;u$ and $11.00931\; u$, and the atomic mass of boron is $10.811\; u$. Find the abundances of $_{5}^{10} B$ and $_{5}^{11} B$