Which one of the following is the correct matching of the events occurring during menstrual cycle?

  • [AIPMT 2009]
  • A

    Proliferative phase : Rapid regeneration of myometrium and maturation of Graafian follicle

  • B

    Secretory phase : Development of increased secretion corpus luteum and of progesterone

  • C

    Menstruation : Breakdown of myometrium and ovum not fertilised

  • D

    Ovulation : $LH$ and $FSH$ attain peak level and sharp fall in the secretion of progesterone

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$II.$ Growth of corpus luteum

$III.$ Growth of follicle and oogenesis


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Column $I$

Column  $II$

$(a)$ Proliferative Phase

$(i)$ Breakdown of endometrical lining

$(b)$Secretory Phase

$(ii)$ Follicular phase

$(c)$ Menstruation

$(iii)$ Luteal Phase

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