Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statements “No child is naughty”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human beings, $C$ = Set of children, $N$ = Set of naughty persons
None of these
Which of the following statement is a tautology?
Negation is $“2 + 3 = 5$ and $8 < 10”$ is
If $P \Rightarrow \left( {q \vee r} \right)$ is false, then the truth values of $p, q, r$ are respectively
The Boolean Expression $\left( {p\;\wedge \sim q} \right)\;\;\vee \;q\;\;\vee \left( { \sim p\wedge q} \right)$ is equivalent to:
The conditional $(p \wedge q) \Rightarrow p$ is :-