Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statements “No child is naughty”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human beings, $C$ = Set of children, $N$ = Set of naughty persons
None of these
Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“All students are hard working.”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human being, $S$ = Set of all students, $H$ = Set of all hard workers.
$(p\; \wedge \sim q) \wedge (\sim p \vee q)$ is
Let $p$ and $q $ stand for the statement $"2 × 4 = 8" $ and $"4$ divides $7"$ respectively. Then the truth value of following biconditional statements
$(i)$ $p \leftrightarrow q$
$(ii)$ $~ p \leftrightarrow q$
$(iii)$ $~ q \leftrightarrow p$
$(iv)$ $~ p \leftrightarrow ~ q$
The negation of the statement
''If I become a teacher, then I will open a school'', is
If $\left( {p \wedge \sim q} \right) \wedge \left( {p \wedge r} \right) \to \sim p \vee q$ is false, then the truth values of $p, q$ and $r$ are respectively