Which Venn diagram represent the truth of the statement“All students are hard working.”
Where $U$ = Universal set of human being, $S$ = Set of all students, $H$ = Set of all hard workers.
None of these
For any two statements $p$ and $q,$ the negation of the expression $p \vee ( \sim p\, \wedge \,q)$ is
$\sim (p \Rightarrow q) \Leftrightarrow \sim p\; \vee \sim q$ is
The compound statement $(\sim( P \wedge Q )) \vee((\sim P ) \wedge Q ) \Rightarrow((\sim P ) \wedge(\sim Q ))$ is equivalent to
Negation is $“2 + 3 = 5$ and $8 < 10”$ is
Which of the following is not a statement