Write an equation to show the reaction between Plaster of Paris and water.
The chemical equation for the reaction of Plaster of Paris and water can be represented as
$\underset{Plaster\,\,of\,\,Paris}{\mathop{CaS{{O}_{4}}.\frac{1}{2}{{H}_{2}}O}}\,\,+\underset{Water}{\mathop{1\,\frac{1}{2}{{H}_{2}}O}}\,\,\to \,\underset{Gypsum}{\mathop{CaS{{O}_{4}}.2{{H}_{2}}O}}\,$
Why does distilled water not conduct electricity, whereas rain water does ?
You have two solutions, $A$ and $B$. The $pH$ of solution $A$ is $6$ and $pH$ of solution $B$ is $8$. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration Which of this is acidic and which one is basic?
$10 \,mL$ of a solution of $NaOH$ is found to be completely neutralised by $8 \,mL$ of a given solution of $HCl$. If we take $20 \,mL$ of the same solution of $NaOH$, the amount of $HCl$ solution (the same solution as before) required to neutralise it will be ...... $mL$
Name the sodium compound which is used for softening hard water.
Compounds such as alcohols and glucose also contain hydrogen but are not categorised as acids. Describe an Activity to prove it.