Write equations for the reactions of

$(i)$ iron with steam

$(ii)$ calcium and potassium with water

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$(i)$ $\underset{Iron}{\mathop{3F{{e}_{(s)}}}}\,\,+\,\underset{Steam}{\mathop{4{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{(g)}}}}\,\,\to \,\underset{Iron\,(II,III)\,oxide}{\mathop{F{{e}_{3}}{{O}_{4(aq)}}}}\,\,+\underset{Hydrogen}{\mathop{\,4{{H}_{2(g)}}}}\,$

$(ii)$ $C{{a}_{(s)}}+2{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{(l)}}\to Ca{{(OH)}_{2(aq)}}$ $+{{H}_{2(g)}}+\text{ Heat }$

 \text{Calcium}\,\text{/} \\ 
\end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{2{{K}_{(s)}}}}\,+\underset{water}{\mathop{2{{H}_{2}}{{O}_{(l)}}}}\,\to \underset{\begin{smallmatrix} 
 \text{Calcium Hydroxide /} \\ 
 \text{Potassium hydroxide} 
\end{smallmatrix}}{\mathop{2KO{{H}_{(aq)}}}}\,+\underset{Hydrogen}{\mathop{{{H}_{2(g)}}}}\,+\text{ Heat }$

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