Write reactions to justify amphoteric nature of aluminium.

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A substance is called amphoteric if it displays characteristics of both acids and bases. Aluminium dissolves in both acids and bases, showing amphoteric behaviour.

$(i)\,\,2A{l_{(s)}} + 6HC{l_{(aq)}} \to 2A{l^{3 + }}_{(aq)} + 6C{l^ - }_{(aq)} + 3{H_{2(g)}}$

$(ii)\,\,2A{l_{(s)}} + 2NaO{H_{(aq)}} + 6{H_2}{O_{(aq)}} \to 2N{a^ + }{[Al{(OH)_4}]^ - }_{(aq)} + 3{H_{2(g)}}$

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