Let $A=\{1,2,\{3,4\}, 5\} .$ Which of the following statements are incorrect and why ?
$\{1,2,5\}\in A$
The set $A = \{ x:x \in R,\,{x^2} = 16$ and $2x = 6\} $ equals
Let $A=\{1,2,\{3,4\}, 5\} .$ Which of the following statements are incorrect and why ?
$\{ \{ 3,4\} \} \subset A$
In the following state whether $\mathrm{A = B}$ or not :
$A = \{ 2,4,6,8,10\} ;B = \{ x:x$ is positiveeven integer and $x\, \le \,10\} $
Which of the following is a true statement