Yeast have been used for the commercial production of
$I.$ ethanol $II.$ bread $III.$ cheese
Choose the correct option
$I$ and $II$
$I$ and $III$
$I, II$ and $III$
None of these
$A$ : Cyclosporin A is an immunosuppressive medicine.
$R$ : It stimulates activation of $T-$cells and prevents rejections.
Fill up the blanks.
$(I)$ Ethanol is produced by $...a...$
$(II)$ Large scale production of beverages inindustries is done in very large vesselscalled $ ...b...$
$(III)$ Penicillin is discovered by $...C...$
$(IV)$ LAB checks disease causing microbes in $...d...$ $a$ to $d$ in the above statements refers to
The chemicals which are “pro-life” with reference to human beings
A compound which is produced by an organism and inhibits the growth of other organisms is called
$A $ : Statins are product of fermentation activity of yeast.
$R$ : Statins and mevalonate compete for same active site on enzyme involved in cholesterol synthesis.