Yeast have been used for the commercialproduction of

$I.$ ethanol     $II.$ bread     $III.$ Incilage

Choose the correct option

  • A

    $I$ and $II$

  • B

    $I$ and $III$

  • C

    $I, II$ and $III$

  • D

    None of these

Similar Questions

Which of the following is wrongly matched in the given table ?

Microbe Product Application
$(a)$ Streptococccus Streptokinase Removal of clot fromblood vessel
$(b)$ Clostridium butylicum Lipase Removal of oil stains
$(c)$ Trichoderma polysporum  Cyclosporin $A$ Immuno-suppressive drug
$(d)$ Monascus purpureus Statins Lowering of blood cholesterol


  • [NEET 2016]

Identify the correct statements w.r.t. antibiotics

$(i)$ Fleming, Chain and Florey were awarded the Nobel prize in $1945$
$(ii)$ Antibiotics have greatly improved our capacity to treat deadly diseases
$(iii)$ Penicillin was used to treat American soldiers wounded in World War I

How has the discovery of antibiotics helped mankind in the field of medicine ?

Select the incorrect match

Yeast is used in the production of

  • [AIPMT 1998]