You have two solutions, $A$ and $B$. The $pH$ of solution $A$ is $6$ and $pH$ of solution $B$ is $8$. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration Which of this is acidic and which one is basic?
A $pH$ value of less than $7$ indicates an acidic solution, while greater than $7$ indicates a basic solution. Therefore, the solution with $pH =6$ is acidic and has more hydrogen ion concentration than the solution of $pH =8$ which is basic.
Write word equations and then balanced equations for the reaction taking place when -
$(a)$ dilute sulphuric acid reacts with aluminium powder.
$(b)$ dilute hydrochloric acid reacts with iron filings.
You have been provided with three test tubes. One of them contains distilled water and the other two contaln an acidic solution and a basic solution, respectlvely. If you are glven only red litmus paper. how will you identify the contents of each test tube ?
Why do $HCl$, $HNO_3$, etc., show acidic characters in aqueous solutions while solutions of compounds like alcohol and glucose do not show acidic character ?
Why do acids not show acidic behaviour in the absence of water ?
How is the concentration of hydronium ions $(H_3O^+)$ affected when a solution of an acid is diluted ?