Under what soil condition do you think a farmer would treat the soil of his fields with quick lime (calcium oxide) or slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) or chalk (calcium carbonate) ?
You have two solutions, $A$ and $B$. The $pH$ of solution $A$ is $6$ and $pH$ of solution $B$ is $8$. Which solution has more hydrogen ion concentration Which of this is acidic and which one is basic?
Give two important uses of washing soda and baking soda.
Name the substance which on treatment with chlorine yields bleaching powder.
Five solutions $A,\,B,\,C,\,D$ and $E$ when tested with universal indicator showed $pH$ as $4,\,1,\,11,\,7$ and $9$, respectively. Which solution is
$(a)$ neutral ?
$(b)$ strongly alkaline ?
$(c)$ strongly acidic ?
$(d)$ weakly acidic ?
$(e)$ weakly alkaline ?
Arrange the $pH$ in increasing order of hydrogen-ion concentration.