A uniform metal rod of $2\,\,mm^2$ cross section fixed between two walls is heated from $0\,^oC$ to $20\,^oC$ . The coefficient of linear expansion of rod is $12\,\,\times\,\,10^{-6}\,/^oC$ . Its Young's modulus of elasticity is $10^{11}\,\,N/m^2$ . The energy stored per unit volume of rod will be ....... $J/m^3$
A solid expands upon heating because
When load of $5\,kg$ is hung on a wire then extension of $3\,m$ takes place, then work done will be ....... $joule$
Does the energy stored in a spring changes when it stretched or compressed ?
If $x$ longitudinal strain is produced in a wire of Young's modulus $y,$ then energy stored in the material of the wire per unit volume is
If a spring extends by $x$ on loading, then the energy stored by the spring is (if $T$ is tension in the spring and $k$ is spring constant)