Animals eating plants are categorised separately as ...$A$..., they are in a broad ecological context, not very different from ...$B$...
Choose the correct option $A$ and $B$
Which of the following is an example of a defence used by plants against herbivores?
$I.$ Production of caffeine, tannin quinine
$II.$ More production of non-woody tissues
$III.$ Productions of hairs, thorns, spines
$IV.$ Production of hormone-like chemicals that interfere with insect metamorphosis
Select the correct pair
You never see any cattle or goat browsing on Calotropis due to
$(I)$ | $(II)$ | $(III)$ |
$(a)$ Parasitism | $(i)\,-,0$ | $(A)$ Both get benefitted |
$(b)$ Amensalism | $(ii)\,-,-$ | $(B)$ One get harmed other has no effect |
$(c)$ Competition | $(iii)\,+,-$ | $(C)$ Both get harmed |
$(d)$ Mutualism | $(iv)\,+,+$ | $(D)$ One is harmed and second is benefited |