While explaining interspecific interaction of population, $(+)$ sign is assigned for beneficial interaction,$(-)$ sign is assigned for detrimental interaction and $(0)$ for neutral interaction. Which of the following interactions can be assigned $(+)$ for one species and $(-)$ for another species involved in the interaction?
There is more competition for survival between
Animals eating plants are categorised separately as ...$A$..., they are in a broad ecological context, not very different from ...$B$...
Choose the correct option $A$ and $B$
Which of the following is most appropriately defined?
Observe the set of $4$ figures $A$, $B$, $C$ and $D$ and, answer the following questions
$(i)$ Which one of the figures shows mutualism ?
$(ii)$ What kind of association is shown in $D$ ?
$(iii)$ Name the organisms and the association in $C$.
$(iv)$ What role is the insect performing in $B$ ?