${\left| {{z_1} + {z_2}} \right|^2} + {\left| {{z_1} - {z_2}} \right|^2}$ is equal to 

  • [AIEEE 2012]
  • A

    $2\left( {\left| {{z_1}} \right| + \left| {{z_2}} \right|} \right)$

  • B

    $2\left( {{{\left| {{z_1}} \right|}^2} + {{\left| {{z_2}} \right|}^2}} \right)$

  • C

    $\left| {{z_1}} \right|\left| {{z_2}} \right|$

  • D

    ${{{\left| {{z_1}} \right|}^2} + {{\left| {{z_2}} \right|}^2}}$

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