$10$ different letters of English alphabet are given. Out of these letters, words of $5$ letters are formed. How many words are formed when at least one letter is repeated
A group of $9$ students, $s 1, s 2, \ldots, s 9$, is to be divided to form three teams $X, Y$ and, $Z$ of sizes $2,3$ , and $4$, respectively. Suppose that $s_1$ cannot be selected for the team $X$, and $s_2$ cannot be selected for the team $Y$. Then the number of ways to form such teams, is. . . .
The number of triplets $(x, y, z)$. where $x, y, z$ are distinct non negative integers satisfying $x+y+z=15$, is
If $^n{C_r} = 84,{\;^n}{C_{r - 1}} = 36$ and $^n{C_{r + 1}} = 126$, then $n$ equals
In how many ways can one select a cricket team of eleven from $17$ players in which only $5$ players can bowl if each cricket team of $11$ must include exactly $4$ bowlers?
A boy needs to select five courses from $12$ available courses, out of which $5$ courses are language courses. If he can choose at most two language courses, then the number of ways he can choose five courses is