A block is placed on a frictionless horizontal table. The mass of the block is m and springs are attached on either side with force constants ${K_1}$ and ${K_2}$. If the block is displaced a little and left to oscillate, then the angular frequency of oscillation will be

  • A

    ${\left[ {\frac{{{K_1} + {K_2}}}{m}} \right]^{1/2}}$

  • B

    ${\left[ {\frac{{{K_1}{K_2}}}{{m({K_1} + {K_2})}}} \right]^{1/2}}$

  • C

    ${\left[ {\frac{{{K_1}{K_2}}}{{({K_1} - {K_2})m}}} \right]^{1/2}}$

  • D

    ${\left[ {\frac{{K_1^2 + K_2^2}}{{({K_1} + {K_2})m}}} \right]^{1/2}}$

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