A body is just floating on the surface of a liquid. The density of the body is same as that of the liquid. The body is slightly pushed down. What will happen to the body
It will slowly come back to its earlier position
It will remain submerged, where it is left
It will sink
It will come out violently
A boy has $60\, kg$ weight. He wants to swim in a river with the help of a wooden log. If relative density of wood is $0.6$, what is the minimum volume of wooden log? (density of river water is $1000\, kg/m^3$)
An object suspended by a wire stretches it by $10 \,mm$. When object is immersed in a liquid the elongation in wire reduces by $\frac{10}{3} \,mm$. The ratio of relative densities of the object and liquid is ............
Write and prove Archimedes principle.
Acork of density $0.5\ gcm^{-3}$ floats on a calm swimming pool. The fraction of the cork’s volume which is under water is ........ $\%$
A wide bottom cylindrical massless plastic container of height $9 \,cm$ has $40$ identical coins inside it and is floating on water with $3 \,cm$ inside the water. If we start putting more of such coins on its lid, it is observed that after $N$ coins are put, its equilibrium changes from stable to unstable. Equilibrium in floating is stable if the geometric centre of the submerged portion is above the centre of the mass of the object). The value of $N$ is closed to