A charged particle moving in a magnetic field experiences a resultant force
In the direction of field
In the direction opposite to that field
In the direction perpendicular to both the field and its velocity
None of the above
A charged particle of charge $\mathrm{e}$ and mass $\mathrm{m}$ is moving in an electric field ${{\rm{\vec E}}}$ and magnetic field ${{\rm{\vec B}}}$ Construct dimensionless quantities and quantities of dimension [T]-1
An electron is moving along $+x$ direction. To get it moving along an anticlockwise circular path in $x-y$ plane, magnetic field applied along
A charged particle is moving in a circular orbit of radius $6\, cm$ with a uniform speed of $3 \times 10^6\, m/s$ under the action of a uniform magnetic field $2 \times 10^{-4}\, Wb/m^2$ which is at right angles to the plane of the orbit. The charge to mass ratio of the particle is
Two particles $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Y}$ having equal charges are being accelerated through the same potential difference. Thereafter they enter normally in a region of uniform magnetic field and describes circular paths of radii $R_1$ and $R_2$ respectively. The mass ratio of $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Y}$ is :
A particle of mass $m$ and charge $q$ , moving with velocity $V$ enters region $II$ normal to the boundary as shown in the figure. Region $II$ has a uniform magnetic field $B$ perpendicular to the plane of the paper. The length of the region $II$ is $l$ . Choose the not correct choice