A charged particle of specific charge $\alpha$ is released from origin at time $t = 0$ with velocity $\vec V = {V_o}\hat i + {V_o}\hat j$ in magnetic field $\vec B = {B_o}\hat i$ . The coordinates of the particle at time $t = \frac{\pi }{{{B_o}\alpha }}$ are (specific charge $\alpha = \,q/m$) 

  • A

    $\left( {\frac{{{V_o}}}{{2{B_o}\alpha }},\frac{{\sqrt 2 {V_o}}}{{\alpha {B_o}}},\frac{{ - {V_o}}}{{{B_o}\alpha }}} \right)$

  • B

    $\left( {\frac{{ - {V_o}}}{{2{B_o}\alpha }},\,0,\,0} \right)$

  • C

    $\left( {0,\,\frac{{2{V_o}}}{{{B_o}\alpha }},\frac{{{V_o}\pi }}{{2{B_o}\alpha }}} \right)$

  • D

    $\left( {\frac{{{V_o}\pi }}{{{B_o}\alpha }},\,0,\, - \frac{{2{V_o}}}{{{B_o}\alpha }},} \right)$

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