A copper rod $2\,m$ long has a circular cross-section of radius $1\, cm$. One end is kept at $100^o\,C$ and the other at $0^o\,C$ and the surface is covered by nonconducting material to check the heat losses through the surface. The thermal resistance of the bar in degree kelvin per watt is (Take thermal conductivity $K = 401\, W/m-K$ of copper):-
Two rods of same length and material transfer a given amount of heat in $12$ seconds, when they are joined end to end. But when they are joined lengthwise, then they will transfer same heat in same conditions in ....... $\sec$
The dimensions of thermal resistance are
Two rods $A$ and $B$ of different materials are welded together as shown in figure.Their thermal conductivities are $K_1$ and $K_2$ The thermal conductivity of the composite rod will be
The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a composite slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of thermal conductivity $K$ and $2K$ and thickness $x$ and $4x$ , respectively are $T_2$ and $T_1$ ($T_2$ > $T_1$). The rate of heat transfer through the slab, in a steady state is $\left( {\frac{{A({T_2} - {T_1})K}}{x}} \right)f$, with $f $ which equal to
Two bars of thermal conductivities $K$ and $3K$ and lengths $1\,\, cm$ and $2\,\, cm$ respectively have equal cross-sectional area, they are joined lengths wise as shown in the figure. If the temperature at the ends of this composite bar is $0\,^oC$ and $100\,^oC$ respectively (see figure), then the temperature $\varphi $ of the interface is......... $^oC$