A dishonest dealer defrauds to the extent of $x \%$ in buying as well as selling his goods by using faulty weight. What will be the gain per cent on his outlay?
$2 x$$\%$
$\left(\frac{10}{x}+x^{2}\right) \%$
$\left(2 x+\frac{x^{2}}{100}\right) \%$
$\left(x+\frac{x^{2}}{100}\right) \%$
The list price of an article at a showroom is $Rs.\, 2000$ and it is being sold at successive discounts of $20 \%$ and $10 \% .$ Its net selling price will be (in $Rs.$)
A person purchases $8$ pens for ₹ $10$ and sells $10$ pens for ₹ $8.$ How much profit or loss does he make in ?
$10 \%$ discount and then $20 \%$ discount in succession is equivalent to total discount of.......$\%$
A man sells each of his $2$ articles for $Rs.$ $99.$ On one he gains $10 \%$ and on the other he incurred a loss of $1 \%$ in the entire transaction. What is his total gain in $\%$?
A cloth dealer professes to sell cotton at cost price, but uses a meter having a length of $80\, cm$ only and charges for the meter. Find his gain percent.