A hollow copper sphere $S$ and a hollow copper cube $ C$ , both of negligible thin walls of same area, are filled with water at $90°C$ and allowed to cool in the same environment. The graph that correctly represents their cooling is
According to ‘Newton’s Law of cooling’, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to the
Write Newton's law of cooling and obtain its equations.
A sphere and a cube of same material and same volume are heated upto same temperature and allowed to cool in the same surroundings. The ratio of the amounts of radiations emitted will be
A body cools from $80^{\circ}\,C$ to $60^{\circ}\,C$ in $5$ minutes. The temperature of the surrounding is $20^{\circ} C$. The time it takes to cool from $60^{\circ}\,C$ to $40^{\circ}\,C$ is........... $s$
The temperature of a body falls from $62^oC\, to\, 50^oC$ in $10$ minutes. If the temperature of the surroundings is $26^oC$, the temperature in next $10$ minutes will become ...... $^oC$