A human female experiences two major changes, menarche and menopause during her life. Mention the significance of both the events.
In human beings the first menstruation begins at puberty ( $9$ to $15$ ) and is called menarche. Menstruation cycle stops at the age of $50$ years, it is called menopause. Menarch indicates the preparation of female reproduction system for maturation and pregnancy.
It indicates capacity of ovaries which produce a mature ovum (female gamete) which can fertilize sperm cell and uterus is capable for growth and development of foetus.Menopause indicates that it is not an age to conceive. The capability of providing healthy egg cells is less at this age. The level of producing hormones by ovaries either gets decreased or stops and menstrual cycle is stopped. Uterus does not remain prepared for development of embryo for longer period.
About which day in a normal human menstrual cycle does rapid secretion of $LH$ (popularly called $LH$ surge) normally occurs?
The phase of menstrual cycle in humans that last for $7-8$ days is
In the human female, menstruation can be deferred by the administration of
Menstruation cycle occurs
The secretory phase in the human menstrual cycle is also called