A liquid cools down from ${70^o}C$ to ${60^o}C$ in $5$ minutes. The time taken to cool it from ${60^o}C$ to ${50^o}C$ will be
$5$ minutes
Lesser than $5$ minutes
Greater than $5$ minutes
Lesser or greater than $5$ minutes depending upon the density of the liquid
Two bottles $A$ and $B$ have radii $R_{A}$ and $R_{B}$ and heights $h_{A}$ and $h_{B}$ respectively, with $R_{B}=2 R_{A}$ and $h_{B}=2 h_{A}$. These are filled with hot water at $60^{\circ} C$. Consider that heat loss for the bottles takes place only from side surfaces. If the time, the water takes to cool down to $50^{\circ} C$ is $t_{A}$ and $t_{B}$ for bottles $A$ and $B$, respectively. Then, $t_{A}$ and $t_{B}$ are best related as
Two circular discs $A$ and $B$ with equal radii and equal mass are blackened. They are heated to same temperature and are cooled under identical conditions.What inference do you draw from their cooling curves ?
A cup of tea cools from $80\,^oC$ to $60\,^oC$ in one minute. The ambient temperature is $30\,^oC$. In cooling from $60\,^oC$ to $50\,^oC$, it will take ....... $\sec$
The 'Kangri' is an earthen pot used to stay warm in Kashmir during the winter months. Assume that the 'Kangri' is spherical and of surface area $7 \times 10^{-2} \,m ^{2}$. It contains $300 g$ of a mixture of coal, wood and leaves with calorific value of $30 \,kJ / g$ (and provides heat with $10 \%$ efficiency). The surface temperature of the 'Kangri' is $60^{\circ} C$ and the room temperature is $0^{\circ} C$. Then, a reasonable estimate for the duration $t$ (in h) that the 'Kangri' heat will last is (take the 'Kangri' to be a black body)
A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate, all made of the same material and having the same mass are initially heated to a temperature of $1000°C$ . Which one of these will cool first