A man can hear sounds in frequency range $120\,Hz$ to $12020\,Hz$. only. He is vibrating a piano string having a tension of $240\,N$ and mass of $3\,gm$ . The string has a length of $8\,m$ . How many different frequencies can he hear ?
Two perfectly identical wires are in unison. When the tension in one wire is increased by $1\%$, then on sounding them together $3$ beats are heard in $2 \,sec$. The initial frequency of each wire is .... ${\sec ^{ - 1}}$
The transverse displacement of a string (clamped at its both ends) is given by
$y(x,t)\, = \,0.6\,\sin \,\left( {\frac{{2\pi }}{3}x} \right)\,\cos \,(120\,\pi t)$
where $x$ and $y$ are in $metre$ and $t$ in $second$ . The length of the string is $1.5\,m$ and its mass is $3.0\times 10^{-2}\,kg$ the tension in the string will be .... $N$
The velocity of waves in a string fixed at both ends is $2 m/s$. The string forms standing waves with nodes $5.0 cm$ apart. The frequency of vibration of the string in $Hz$ is
A block $\mathrm{M}$ hangs vertically at the bottom end of a uniform rope of constant mass per unit length. The top end of the rope is attached to a fixed rigid support at $O$. A transverse wave pulse (Pulse $1$ ) of wavelength $\lambda_0$ is produced at point $O$ on the rope. The pulse takes time $T_{O A}$ to reach point $A$. If the wave pulse of wavelength $\lambda_0$ is produced at point $A$ (Pulse $2$) without disturbing the position of $M$ it takes time $T_{A 0}$ to reach point $O$. Which of the following options is/are correct?
[$A$] The time $\mathrm{T}_{A 0}=\mathrm{T}_{\mathrm{OA}}$
[$B$] The velocities of the two pulses (Pulse $1$ and Pulse $2$) are the same at the midpoint of rope.
[$C$] The wavelength of Pulse $1$ becomes longer when it reaches point $A$.
[$D$] The velocity of any pulse along the rope is independent of its frequency and wavelength.
A $1 cm$ long string vibrates with fundamental frequency of $256\, Hz$. If the length is reduced to $\frac{1}{4}cm$ keeping the tension unaltered, the new fundamental frequency will be