A man having a wrist watch and a pendulum clock rises on a $TV$ tower. The wrist watch and pendulum clock per chance fall from the top of the tower. Then
Both will keep correct time during the fall.
Both will keep incorrect time during the fall.
Wrist watch will keep correct time and clock will become fast.
Clock will stop but wrist watch will function normally.
A pendulum suspended from the ceiling of a train oscillates with a time period $2$ $second$ , when the train is accelerating at $10\,ms^{-2}$. What will be its time period when the train retards at $10\,ms^{-2}$ ? .... $s$
At which position in the string of simple pendulum has maximum tension ?
A simple pendulum is executing simple harmonic motion with a time period $T$. If the length of the pendulum is increased by $21\%$, the percentage increase in the time period of the pendulum of increased length is ..... $\%$
The motion of a simple pendulum excuting $S.H.M$. is represented by following equation.
$Y = A \sin (\pi t +\phi)$, where time is measured in $second$.
The length of pendulum is .............$cm$
A simple pendulum is vibrating in an evacuated chamber, it will oscillate with