A mixture of gases at $STP$ for which $\gamma=1.5$ is suddenly compressed to $\frac{1}{9}$ th of its original volume. The final temperature of mixture is .......... $^{\circ} C$
In the following figure, four curves $A, B, C$ and $D$ are shown. The curves are
A monatomic gas at pressure $P_1$ and volume $V_1$ is compressed adiabatically to ${\frac{1}{8}}^{th}$ of its original volume. What is the final pressure of the gas is ........ $P_1$?
An ideal gas at a pressures of $1$ atmosphere and temperature of ${27^o}C$ is compressed adiabatically until its pressure becomes $8$ times the initial pressure, then the final temperature is ..... $^oC$ ($\gamma = 3/2$)
A gas is being compressed adiabatically. The specific heat of the gas during compression is
Consider that an ideal gas ($n$ moles) is expanding in a process given by $P = f (V)$, which passes through a point $(V_0, \,p_0)$. Show that the gas is absorbing heat at $(p_0,\, V_0)$ if the slope of the curve $P = f (V)$ is larger than the slope of the adiabatic passing through $(p_0,\, V_0)$.