A person is sitting in a boat floating in a lake. This person fills a bucket of water from lake and puts in the boat, then will the water level go down in the lake ? Explain.
No, when the person puts the bucket in boat, then the increased weight also rises the water level. But, as the same amount of water is reduced from lake the height of water level doesn't change.
A cylindrical vessel filled with water upto height of $H$ stands on a horizontal plane. The side wall of the vessel has a plugged circular hole touching the bottom. The coefficient of friction between the bottom of vessel and plane is $\mu$ and total mass of water plus vessel is $M$. What should be minimum diameter of hole so that the vessel begins to move on the floor if plug is removed (here density of water is $\rho$ )
When two corks, one small and one big are taken into a vessel filled with water and released which cork will come fast on the surface of water ? Why ?
A cork is submerged in water by a spring attached to the bottom of a bowl. When the bowl is kept in an elevator moving with acceleration downwards, the length of spring
A cube of external dimension $10\ cm$ has an inner cubical portion of side $5\ cm$ whose density is twice that of the outer portion. If this cube is just floating in a liquid of density $2\ g/cm^3$, find the density of the inner portion
A rectangular block is $5 cm × 5 cm × 10cm$ in size. The block is floating in water with $ 5 cm $ side vertical. If it floats with $10 cm $ side vertical, what change will occur in the level of water?