A proton, an electron, and a Helium nucleus, have the same energy. They are in circular orbitals in a plane due to magnetic field perpendicular to the plane. Let $r_p, r_e$ and $r_{He}$ be their respective radii, then
$r_e > r_p = r_{He}$
$r_e > r_p > r_{He}$
$r_e < r_p < r_{He}$
$r_e < r_p = r_{He}$
If a charged particle enters perpendicularly in the uniform magnetic field then
Two particles $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Y}$ having equal charges are being accelerated through the same potential difference. Thereafter they enter normally in a region of uniform magnetic field and describes circular paths of radii $R_1$ and $R_2$ respectively. The mass ratio of $\mathrm{X}$ and $\mathrm{Y}$ is :
A particle of mass $m$ and charge $q$ enters a magnetic field $B$ perpendicularly with a velocity $v$, The radius of the circular path described by it will be
Proton, deuteron and alpha particle of same kinetic energy are moving in circular trajectories in a constant magnetic field. The radii of proton, deuteron and alpha particle are respectively $r_p, r_d$ and $r_{\alpha}$ Which one of the following relation is correct?
A proton carrying $1\, Me V$ kinetic energy is moving in a circular path of radius $R$ in uniform magnetic field. What should be the energy of an $\alpha -$ particle to describe a circle of same radius in the same field ?........$MeV$