A simple pendulum hanging from the ceiling of a stationary lift has a time period $T_1$. When the lift moves downward with constant velocity, the time period is $T_2$, then

  • A

    ${T_2}$ is infinity

  • B

    ${T_2} = {T_1}$

  • C

    ${T_2} < {T_1}$

  • D

    ${T_2} > {T_1}$

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A lift is descending with acceleration $g/3$ . What will be the time period of a simple pendulum suspended from its ceiling if its time period in staionary life is $'T'$ ?

Column $I$ gives a list of possible set of parameters measured in some experiments. The variations of the parameters in the form of graphs are shown in Column $II$. Match the set of parameters given in Column $I$ with the graph given in Column $II$. Indicate your answer by darkening the appropriate bubbles of the $4 \times 4$ matrix given in the $ORS$.

Column $I$ Column $II$
$(A)$ Potential energy of a simple pendulum (y axis) as a function of displacement ( $\mathrm{x}$ axis) $Image$
$(B)$ Displacement (y axis) as a function of time (x axis) for a one dimensional motion at zero or constant acceleration when the body is moving along the positive $\mathrm{x}$-direction $Image$
$(C)$ Range of a projectile (y axis) as a function of its velocity ( $\mathrm{x}$ axis) when projected at a fixed angle $Image$
$(D)$ The square of the time period (y axis) of a simple pendulum as a function of its length ( $\mathrm{x}$ axis) $Image$

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