A stationary particle explodes into two particles of a masses $m_1$ and $m_2$ which move in opposite directions with velocities ${v_1}$ and ${v_2}.$ The ratio of their kinetic energies ${E_1}/{E_2}$ is
Two particles having masses $4\, g$ and $16\, g$ respectively are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of the magnitudes of their linear momentum is $n : 2 .$ The value of $n$ will be ...... .
Two bodies of masses $m$ and $4 \,m$ are moving with equal $K.E.$ The ratio of their linear momentums is
A particle of mass $'m'$ and charge $'q'$ is accelerated through a potential difference of $'V'$ volt. Its energy is
Write the definition of work and kinetic energy.
A wooden block of mass $M$ is suspended by a cord and is at rest. A bullet of mass $m,$ moving with a velocity $v$ passes through the block and comes out with a velocity $v/2$ in the same direction. If there is no loss in kinetic energy, then upto what height the block will rise