A trader buys $500\, kg$ of cotton for $Rs.\, 9,000.10 \%$ of this cotton is spoiled due to rain. At what rate ($Rs./ kg$) should he sell the rest to earn $10 \%$ profit?
A tradesman gives $4 \%$ discount on the marked price and gives one article free for buying every $15$ articles and thus gains $35 \% .$ The marked price is appox. how much percent above the $CP$?
The marked price of a watch was $Rs.\, 720 .$ A man bought the same for $Rs.\, 550.80$ after getting two successive discounts, the first being $10 \% .$ What was the second discount rate? (in $\%$)
Aditya sold $TV$ to Sanjay at $12 \%$ more than the $CP.$ If Sanjay paid $Rs.\, 17696$ for that $TV$ then what was the original price of the $TV$ in $Rs.$?
Amit buys $5$ watches for $Rs.\, 9450$ and later sells them for $Rs\,.9700$ How much profit does Amit make per watch in $Rs.$?
A sells an article to $B$ at $15 \%$ profit. $B$ sells it to $C$ at $10 \%$ loss. If $C$ pays $Rs.\,517.50$ for it then $A$ purchased it at