A uniform rod of length $L$ has a mass per unit length $\lambda$ and area of cross-section $A$. If the Young's modulus of the rod is $Y$. Then elongation in the rod due to its own weight is ...........
$\frac{2 \lambda g L^2}{A Y}$
$\frac{\lambda g L^2}{2 A Y}$
$\frac{\lambda g L^2}{4 A Y}$
$\frac{\lambda g L^2}{A Y}$
A pan with set of weights is attached with a light spring. When disturbed, the mass-spring system oscillates with a time period of $0.6$ $s.$ When some additional weights are added then time period is $0.7s.$ The extension caused by the additional weights is approximately given by ......... $cm$
A rubber cord $10\, m$ long is suspended vertically. How much does it stretch under its own weight $($Density of rubber is $1500\, kg/m^3, Y = 5×10^8 N/m^2, g = 10 m/s^2$$)$
A copper wire $(Y = 1 \times 10^{11}\, N/m^2)$ of length $6\, m$ and a steel wire $(Y = 2 \times 10^{11}\, N/m^2)$ of length $4\, m$ each of cross section $10^{-5}\, m^2$ are fastened end to end and stretched by a tension of $100\, N$. The elongation produced in the copper wire is ......... $mm$
The temperature of a wire of length $1$ metre and area of cross-section $1\,c{m^2}$ is increased from $0°C$ to $100°C$. If the rod is not allowed to increase in length, the force required will be $(\alpha = {10^{ - 5}}/^\circ C$ and $Y = {10^{11}}\,N/{m^2})$
The Young's modulus of a wire is $y$. If the energy per unit volume is $E$, then the strain will be